The Relationship Suite | 352 7th Avenue, #1111, NY, NY 10001 | 241 Central Park West, #1C, NY, NY 10024 | Virtual Counseling NJ | 646-741-3787

Anxious About Aging? These Tips Can Help

Aging isn’t easy.

Standing in the bathroom mirror every morning, physical changes seem more noticeable.  Birthdays and anniversaries may feel more bittersweet than they used to.  Fears about what the future holds creep in.

If you find yourself anxious about getting older, you aren’t alone.  In fact, pre-pandemic Pfizer research indicated that fear of getting older or “gerontophobia” was definitely a concern for a significant number of Americans.

As a nation, we worry about at least one aspect of aging, like physical or mental decline. We stress about financial sustainability. We fret about becoming stereotypical old people who age out of usefulness and purpose.

Such negativity linked to the natural course of life is a difficult and draining way to experience life. Yet it isn’t necessarily inevitable. Anxiety about aging can be prevented. It can be managed, even transformed, if you have a mental and emotional plan.

Six Satisying Strategies to Combat Anxiety About Aging

1. Accept, Acknowledge, & Appreciate Daily

One of the great joys of getting older? An increased ability to see the forest for the trees. Generally, life experience leads to growth and transition. Give yourself some credit.

Accept that aging is the natural order of things. Acknowledge what you have learned about yourself, relationships, and life so far. Then, spend some time appreciating life lessons.

What conflicts have you resolved? How has forgiveness played out in your life? What opportunities shaped your experience? Now is a great time to start that gratitude journal.

2. Protect Your Body with Healthy Routines

If you fear your golden years will be plagued with poor health, low sex drive, or declining desirability, take action. Push back with regular healthcare and key lifestyle choices. Your fears may seem less overwhelming when you are moving often, eating well, and recharging with enough rest.

3. Stockpile Supporters and Social Contacts

Regardless of age, people are wired for socialization. Even though you may not want to attend every social event, resist the urge to isolate yourself. The best way to confront fears of loneliness is to actively develop your social circle and engage regularly.

Schedule time to meet friends for meals out. Invite family over for games or a movie. Join a community group, class, or ministry. Remind yourself and others that you have a lot to offer in relationships.

4. Face Your Finances

Money matters are often complex and emotional. Shame and self-criticism are not money in the bank. Regardless of your financial state, resist living in a state of regret or avoidance. To keep your perspective clear, consult with a qualified, compassionate expert who can help you face your monetary fears.

Take time to develop a viable, realistic financial plan. Shore up any existing accounts. Be prepared to revisit and adjust strategies as time goes on.

5. Share Yourself Liberally

Challenge the thought that age means you are less wanted or needed. You simply need to seek out who needs you most.

Does a young family member need guidance regarding post-educational options? Offer your support. Do your neighbors need a hand with their patio garden? Help with some advice. Is the community center asking for mentors? Be the first to sign up.

Pour out your considerable wisdom and expertise. Happiness and generosity go hand in hand.

In our lifetimes, there has been lots of scary talk about age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, and mood disorders. It can seem overwhelming if you do not have the facts regarding prevention and self-care.

More than anything, daily choices matter:

  • Keep stress and blood pressure low; try daily mediation.
  • Address hearing loss as it can reduce mental processing.
  • Stay active but protect yourself against falls and head injuries.
  • Infuse novelty, fun, and new experiences into your life routinely.

Additionally, if you find yourself feeling hopeless, withdrawing, or stuck in dark moods, do not wait to seek treatment. Life transitions are hard. There is no shame in seeking support.

We are here to help you tap into the joy of aging. Learn more about our Anxiety Treatment counseling services for help.

The Relationship Suite

We are a group of skilled therapists specializing in individual and couples counseling. Since Covid,  we have been working with couples via Online Counseling in New York, New York City including Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Long Island, South Hampton, East Hampton, Montauk. To schedule a complimentary consultation, click HERE.

We also provide Virtual Counseling in New Jersey, Hoboken, Jersey City, Princeton, Chatham, Morris, Westfield, Union, Bergen County, Colts Neck, Tenafly. Schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking HERE.

By |2022-02-09T17:30:52-05:00February 9th, 2022|Anxiety|
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