Are You Struggling with Substance Abuse?

  • Has your work performance suffered from substance use?
  • Are you dealing with financial fallout, legal troubles or other serious challenges as a result of substance abuse?
  • Have the resulting behaviors from substance use put a strain on your relationships?

If you use substances, including alcohol, you may be in denial that your behaviors are unhealthy. Convinced that you have everything under control, you may become distressed and defensive when your family member, partner or friend mentions issues of substance abuse or encourages you to seek help.

As a result, you may be using in secret to avoid confrontation or because you feel ashamed. In keeping certain behaviors from others, your relationship may be strained by tension and emotional distance. A sense of distrust may impact your ability to socialize with others in a healthy way.

It’s also possible that you become angry or irritable as a result of your use. Perhaps you’ve become aggressive towards people you care about or said damaging, hurtful things while under the influence. Unable to maintain harmony, you may have started to harbor feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction in your relationships.

Do You Have a Substance Abuse Disorder?

Substance abuse disorders occur when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home.

Signs and Symptoms of a Substance Abuse Disorder

  • Slurred SpeechPhysical changes, such as: Bloodshot eyes and abnormally sized pupils.
  • Behavioral changes, such as: drop in attendance and performance at work or school.
  • Frequently getting into trouble (fights, accidents, illegal activities)
  • Continuing to use despite harming interpersonal relationships.
  • Continuing use even when it threatens work, school or home related duties.
  • Changes in long time routines
  • Loss of previously steady employment
  • Need for money or other financial problems
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms during periods of extended non-use.

Substance abuse is a major problem in the United States, given that 21 million Americans struggle with a substance use disorder. These substances include alcohol as well as the use of opioids, cocaine, anxiety medications and other substances including cannabis. Both legal and illegal drugs have chemicals that can change how your body and mind work. They can give you a pleasurable “high,” and help you avoid problems in your life. But the high becomes shorter and the need for more greater as use increases, especially with physically addicting substances.

Alcohol is the most common of all misused substances. Alcohol abuse can result in an increased risk of serious health issues including brain damage, liver damage, heart disease, and hypertension. Alcohol abuse can also lead to serious health issues related to withdrawal and behavior while intoxicated.

Other substances most often used are: Marijuana, Prescription medicines such as pain pills (opioids like Oxycontin), stimulants (amphetamines like Adderall), or anxiety pills (benzodiazepines like Xanax and Klonopin), in addition to street drugs such as heroin (an opiate which is now mixed with much more powerful fentanyl), cocaine, hallucinogens and inhalants.

Though substance abuse can significantly impact your life, recovery is possible, and counseling can help. Working with a counselor in New York City, you can learn how to navigate and overcome substance abuse issues.

Substance Abuse Counseling At The Relationship Suite Can Help You Understand The Impact Of Substance Abuse And Facilitate Recovery

At The Relationship Suite in New York City, our approach to counseling and recovery includes aspects of individual, marital, and group therapy. It’s important to note, however, that we do not see couples or individuals who are not in full recovery if they have previously been diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Our therapists can help you evaluate whether a SUD exists, and refer you to the appropriate level of care if necessary.

If you are in recovery, our therapists can help you become aware of the dysfunctional patterns created in your life. In the process, you will learn essential coping and boundary-setting skills that can help you to establish a vision for a healthy life. Along the way, you can see that recovery is not just a steppingstone—it’s a lifestyle.

How Support Groups And 12-Step Programs Factor Into The Recovery Process

Beyond the individual and couples counseling services we offer at The Relationship Suite, our therapists also believe that much of substance abuse recovery happens in a community setting, typically in support and therapy groups. Therefore, we are likely to offer community self -help resources to clients on the path to recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous (or AA) and related groups for other addictions are 12-Step programs that help people struggling with substance abuse to embrace accountability, and identify and eliminate destructive behaviors. As individuals admit to wrongdoing and seek forgiveness from their partners, their relationship is likely to stabilize and improve. In addition, Al-Anon is a support group for loved ones that can help you, as the partner, identify codependent and enabling behaviors. AA and its offshoots have a long history of effectiveness, however they share a distinctive philosophical approach that some people find off putting. SMART Recovery is an alternative format that provides group support with a framework based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Recovery Dharma is a similar organization that is grounded in the principles of Buddhism. All are free and have regular meetings in the NYC area.

Our therapists have worked with substance users and their partners to facilitate healing and forgiveness as new possibilities are created.

Perhaps You’re Ready To Seek Counseling For Substance Abuse Issues, But You Still Have Questions… 

Why do I need to go to therapy?

Substance abuse affects every part of your life. It can hurt you and the people around you and negatively impact your relationships and financial life. Substance abuse can also lead to serious health problems and even death. It will benefit you to find a skilled clinician and work on your recovery process.

My family and friends think I have a substance use problem but I’m not sure?

The healing process can’t start until you overcome the denial and admit there is a problem. It would benefit you to talk to a substance abuse expert and figure out if you need to be in either an inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment facility. Our therapists at The Relationship Suite can help you find the best resources to help you start the recovery process.

Once this initial treatment phase is accomplished–and a commitment to full recovery is made–then individual counseling at The Relationship Suite can begin.

I am ready and admit that I have a substance use problem—I don’t know how counseling can help.

Working with a counselor can also be helpful in treating both the physical and psychological addiction, as well as helping to determine any possible root cause for abusive tendencies. Therapy can help you work through your substance abuse in a healthy way that facilitates long-term success.

Recovery Is A Lifestyle That Can Change and Improve Your life

If substance abuse is impacting your life, recovery with our help at The Relationship Suite in New York can help you overcome unhealthy behaviors, gain coping skills, and create new possibilities for a healthy life.

To schedule a free, 20-minute consultation, please call (917) 273 – 8836 or contact us via our site.

As therapists we believe it is important to handle substance use with empathy, acceptance and patience. With hard work, forgiveness and the right kind of support and counseling, many clients are able to heal and reinvent their lives. This takes a lot of time, patience and persistence, but a new healthy life can be created.

If you’re looking for counseling for substance abuse, call 917-273-8836 or email us. We are currently providing Online/Virtual Video Counseling to our clients with HIPAA based platforms.