Relationship Counseling NYC: How to Know Your Relationship Is Healthy

Sometimes you just need to know your relationship is on the right track.

Establishing a close relationship, whether romantic, platonic, familial, or even professional, requires respect, investment, vulnerability, and trust. When those things come together well, the benefits to your mental health and general well-being are innumerable.

Yet, if you’ve struggled with connections, grew up with poor examples, or simply feel confused about what crafting a lasting relationship looks like, recognizing a good thing when you have it might not be as easy as you think. Thus, it can be extremely helpful to have a few relationship guideposts and guidance along the way. 

So, what key signs help you know that your efforts to create and nurture healthy connections are working well? Consider these:

Relationship Counseling NYC:  8 Signs Your Relationship is Going Well

1. Honest expression is easy and appreciated.  

Being yourself and expressing yourself are musts in a healthy relationship. If you or your partner feel the need to suppress or silence yourselves consider that a red flag. Healthy partnership involves acknowledgment and appreciation of each other’s differences.

2. Core needs are communicated, considered, and incorporated.

Whatever your relationship, its health depends on your shared ability to meet each other’s needs. If you find ways to share, honor, and address what matters most to you, you’re on the road to lasting relationship satisfaction. 

3. You negotiate the relationship together.

A relationship is a mutual journey, if one of you is always giving in or taking over, look closely at what’s going on.  A healthy connection involves boundaries, compromise, and sacrifice. Resist pressuring each other or power struggles. Discuss sensitive topics and determine where you both need to say yes and no. Doing so communicates the type of honor and respect that you can both trust and build on.

4. Disappointment is not a deal breaker. 

Healthy relationships are honest and real. This means that, sometimes, you’ll be disappointed by life as well as each others’ perspectives, behaviors, or decisions. That’s okay. Healthy relationship partners are also strong communicators during times of conflict and confusion. If you can respond with compassion, responsibility, and respect, navigating tough times can actually strengthen your connection. 

5. Invitations to intimacy are routine. 

Whether the relationship is romantic or not, closeness involves a willingness to connect deeply. Healthy relationships allow for vulnerability and trust. This means you are both okay to move beyond your comfort zones and increasingly reveal more of yourself. You assure each other that you are safe to really know each other. Sharing authentically is your daily mode of operation.

6. Loving language isn’t scarce or withheld. 

Words matter, even the ones you don’t say.  It’s important to share your feelings and validate each other in a multitude of ways. If you can have meaningful, “cards on-the-table discussions, you’re doing well. But don’t discount the little things too. Your relationship is likely healthy if kind, positive, and encouraging words flow freely between you.

7. Separation isn’t scary.

Healthy partnerships and friendships aren’t threatened by time apart. You function well as individuals as well as a unit. You know your relationship is strong and secure when you can separate, enjoy your own activities or other connections, and reunite with a sense of refreshment in your own relationship.

8. Fun is never forgotten. 

If you have a strong thread of levity and adventure in your relationship, your relationship is headed in a promising direction. Being able to offset the everyday stressors of life is vital. Healthy connections establish a balance between the hard work of life and the ability to lighten up, let go, and laugh hard. 

Relationship Counseling NYC: Seek a Relationship Guide

Even with these guidelines, navigating relationships requires support. Understanding your needs and meeting the needs of others isn’t always easy, no matter how many tips we receive. Building the skills you need and focusing on relationships that fuel your well-being is essential.

To start, consider a compassionate relationship expert. Relationship counseling can help.  Learn more about your past relationships, explore your current connection, and determine the relationship goals that matter most to you.

Learn more about our Relationship Counseling counseling services for help.  

The Relationship Suite

We are a group of skilled therapists specializing in individual and couples counseling. Since Covid, we have been working with couples via Online Counseling in New York, and New York City, including Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Long Island, Port Washington, Manhasset, Roslyn, South Hampton, East Hampton, and Montauk. To schedule a complimentary consultation, click HERE.

We also provide Virtual Counseling in New Jersey, Hoboken, Jersey City, Princeton, Chatham, Morris, Westfield, Union, Bergen County, Colts Neck, and Tenafly. Schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking HERE.