Do you and your partner argue about housework?
One of the most common arguments couples have is over household chores. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you clean up your home and your relationship.
One of the most common arguments couples have is over household chores. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you clean up your home and your relationship.
Your relationship or marriage should be your most important relationship in your life as it is the foundation of the family. Here are some ways to find more time to spend with your partner.
Since it is unlikely that you and your partner were brought up in exactly the same way (not possible as you have a different set of parents and circumstances), you are likely to disagree on certain parenting issues that tend to crop up in day-to-day life. How do you meet halfway?
We all come with a history. It exists and both you and your partner ultimately bring your histories with you into your relationship. But do you let the past trespass on your relationship present?
Once you’ve mastered the art of compromise, you are well on your way to a peaceful and blissful relationship. Becoming a master of compromise is no easy feat – it requires a lot of work, patience and empathy from both sides.
There’s something I’d like to share with you that could change your whole viewpoint about your relationship and relationships in general. You can’t fix your partner!
We (unfortunately/fortunately depending on your perspective) no longer need to be office-bound to be getting work done. Great for productivity..bad for personal relationships. It’s now easier than ever to bring the stresses of work home and to stay connected to the workplace. This not only impacts on our individual stress levels in this fast-paced technological world, but also can negatively affect our relationships.
Contrary to the message that the professional, multi-million dollar marketing companies out there are trying to sell, the most important purchase you must make for before birth is neither the crib nor the stroller, not the room decorations and not even the early-reader dvd set. The most important purchase you need to make is a tasteful set of dishes for two, plus a tablecloth, candleholder and candle and a pair of wine glasses.
Once upon a time, you and your partner could each spend whatever you wanted or could afford, whenever you wanted, on whatever took your fancy. You were single, footloose and fancy-free with obligations to no one else. You were also without the precious companionship of the special person that has become your partner.
No matter how much you really want and need to get your point across to your partner, there are a number of methods of communication that are strictly off limits. Using them will get you nowhere productive.